Our Bachelor admission results

Since 2018, we are very proud and happy to have been able to help hundreds of students gain admission to the world’s top Bachelor’s degree universities.

United Kingdom

2 admission offers in Oxford

17 admission offers at >LSE

42 admission offers at >UCL

6 admission offers at >Imperial College

67 admission offersat >King’s College

70 admission offers in >Warwick

70 admission offers in >Bath

13 admission offers at ESCP


2 admitted to >Bocconi


2 admittedto Amsterdam University College

3 admitted to Erasmus University College

5 admitted to Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)

4 admitted to Leiden University College

2 admitted to >University College Utrecht

1 admitted to Tilburg University

1 admitted to VU Amsterdam


9 admitted to >McGill University

3 admitted to the University of British Columbia

2 admitted to University of Toronto

1 admitted in double degree Sciences-Po / University of British Columbia


2 admitted to EHL

2 admitted to Glion

United States

2 admitted to Wellesley

1 admitted to Middlebury College

1 admitted to the University of Southern California

1 admittedto Boston College

1 admittedto CU Boulder

1 admitted to Michigan State University