Study at the University of Warwick
Coaching pour admission en Bachelor et Master et préparation aux tests par une équipe d’experts

Located 5.5 kilometers outside of the center of Coventry, England, the green campus of the University of Warwick covers 290 ha (720 acres). Although the university was founded in 1965, it quickly found its way to the top 10 of UK for its undergraduate student experience, based on teaching quality and learning resources, academic level of accepted students, employment prospects, research quality and retention rates (The Complete University Guide). Moreover, it joined the prestigious Russell Group of 24 public research universities in 1994.
Additionally, the University of Warwick joined the prestigious Russell Group of 24 Public Research Universities in 1994.
Warwick boasts 25,600 full-time students and 2,400 academic and research staff. About 27% of the student body comes from overseas and over 114 countries are represented in the student body. About 6,300 students live in housing across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate residences. All of the residences provide a dining, residential tutors and a warden responsible for student welfare.

A Few Words About The University of Warwick
Academics at Warwick are organized into the Faculties of Arts, Medecine, Science and Social Sciences, which together have 29 academic departments. The University of Warwick excels in several academic disciplines and is particularly well reputed for economics and management.The Complete University Guide ranked Warwick’s Economics department 3rd overall in its rankings for 2019. Fully 19 of the 27 subjects offered by Warwick were ranked within the top 10 nationally in 2019, with Creative Writing taking first place.
In 2015 revealed that the university received 25,071 undergraduate applications and made 18,380 offers in 2014-15 for an acceptance rate of 15.8%. Particular competitive courses include Law, Economics and courses within the Warwick Business School.
In 2017, the university was one of only a few universities (along with Cambridge, >Imperial College, >LSE, Oxford, >St Andrews, and >UCL) to have no courses available in Clearing, a process that matches students with available courses late in the summer before starting university. As you might expect, Warwick is very selective and it is necessary to achieve at least a ‘mention bien’ in the baccalaureat, or A Levels grades AAB-A*AA in order to be considered for entry.
The campus has seen impressive growth over the past several years as Warwick has inaugurated a new Mathematics and Statistics Building, a new Computer Science Building, new Business School buildings, the Digital Laboratory, the new Heronbank Residences and an expanded Sports Center, and the projects continue. Campus life is lively and the University of Warwick Students’ Union is one of the largest students’ unions in the UK. It currently has over 260 societies and 67 sports clubs including basketball, rowing and ice hockey. Students also run a radio station Radio Warwick (RAW) and publish a student newspaper, The Boar.
University House is one of the main student-centered buildings housing both University administration and the “Learning Grid”, the self-described “innovative and flexible work space”.
Warwick is also open to the community, the country and the world. The Warwick Arts Centre, a multi-venue arts complex in the university’s main campus, is the largest venue of its kind in the UK outside London. It attracts around 300,000 visitors a year to over 3,000 individual events spanning contemporary and classical music, drama, dance, comedy, films and visual art. The Warwick Business School offers some degree programs in The Shard in central London. In addition, Warwick is the only European university participating in the Center for Urban Science and Progress, an applied science research institute led by >New York University and NYU-Poly. Finally, Warwick students benefit from a number of opportunities to study abroad and may even obtain a double degree. The University’s partners include Columbia, >UC Berkeley, HKU, Peking University and Sciences Po Paris.
Notable Warwick alumni include Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1975) winner Sir John Cornforth who was a Professor at Warwick, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, Chief Economist at the Bank of England; David Davis, and Tony Wheeler, creator of the Lonely Planet travel guides

When do you have to start preparing for the University of Warwick
The deadline for applying to the University of Warwick is fixed at January 15th in your final year.
Always bear in mind the work involved in the preparation needed for the admission to Warwick, it is strongly recommended start preparing your candidate file from the beginning of your final year in order to maximize your chances of success.

How do I apply?
The selection process at the University of Warwick is divided into multiple steps that we describe to you below :
- Passing a standardised English testYou will also be asked to demonstrate an excellent control of the English language and you must therefore pass a standardized English test like the IELTS.
- The Conditional Offer in AdmissionFinally, if your application is accepted in the selection process, you will then receive a ‘conditional’ admissions offer. This means that you will only definitely be admitted on the condition that you obtain the minimum result at Baccalaureate (most often a ‘Good’ reference in the French Baccalaureate) and in a standardized English test (generally between 6.5 and 7.5 in the IELTS).
- The candidate file on UCASYou must first submit your application on the UCAS platform, the equivalent of Parcoursup in England. This file comprises a cover letter (Personal statement) as well as a letter of recommendation from one of your teachers.
What is the profile of the students at the University of Warwick?
Because of the high selectivity of the university, we recommend that you only apply for these universities if you can get solid academic results and if you are sure to obtain at least a reference of “Bien” at the Baccalaureate.
Furthermore, you must also demonstrate an excellent control of the English language.
Certain courses at Warwick like Engineering and Management receive a great number of applications every year and therefore demand in general a minimum of 15 or 16/20 at Baccalaureate

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