Your Dream School partage les meilleurs exemples de UCAS Personal Statement

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the UCAS Personal Statements that have helped our students get into some of the best universities in the UK, and may inspire you to write an outstanding UCAS Personal Statement. To find out more about what UCAS is and what you need to include in your application, click here!
Introduction (about 6 lines)
A good introduction should explain your motivation for studying the subject(s) in question.
To help you get started, try answering the following questions:
- what’s the most memorable experience you’ve had with this material – a book, a meeting, a conference, a course, a person?
- what did you learn from this first discovery?
- Be honest and direct, and avoid clichés such as “I’ve always wanted to study this subject”. (I’ve always wanted to study this subject.) or “Even as a child, I dreamed of becoming an engineer…”. (I’ve dreamed of becoming of an engineer since I was a child) and overused words such as “passionate (passion for/passionate about) as well as (also), « toujours” (always), or “très” (very) (very).
- Have a catchy opening sentence to set yourself apart from other candidates – be relevant and to the point! You don’t necessarily need to come up with this catchphrase right away. In fact, it may be easier to come back to this point once you’ve chosen the main points and themes of your personal statement.
- If you really want to use a quote (even if it’s not recommended), make sure it’s truly original and preferably obscure. Really ask yourself what it adds to your personal statement, and don’t forget to quote its author.
=>Starting with a question or a personal reflection on the subject in question is usually an effective approach.
Here are a few examples of how to introduce personal statement and our analysis.
Example of an introduction to an economics curriculum
My introduction to concepts as broad as productivity, the division of labour, and free markets in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, and comparative advantage in David Ricardo’s Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, demonstrated to me the far-reaching applications of Economics across society. By studying Economics at university, I hope to build the toolset required to analyse government policies and market developments, and to inform my own career and financial decisions using an economic approach.
Our verdict: An interesting introduction in which the candidate explains both the readings that forged his interest in economics and the knowledge and skills he hopes to acquire through his studies.
Sample introduction to a management curriculum
Indra Nooyi’s rise from modest beginnings to 12 years as Pepsico CEO embodies bold leadership. Through her courage and ambitious target-setting, the group’s turnover increased by 81% during her tenure as she internationalised the brand and diversified towards healthier products. As a nationally competitive skier for over 10 years, setting challenging goals to push myself is a large part of my life : from 15 hours of weekly training and high-stakes races, to climbing multiple summits in the Himalayas and the Andes, undertaking ambitious projects drives me. By studying management, I hope to challenge myself academically and gain a set of skills that will prepare me for an international career.
Our analysis: a very catchy introduction in which the student relates the experience of Pepsico’s president to her personal journey and how this guided her choice to pursue business studies.
Example of an introduction to a course in philosophy, politics and economics
The rise of the Front National in the 2017 French presidential election came as a surprise. The predictable success of Marine Le Pen’s campaign, in contrast to the shock and mass street protests when her father reached the run-off in 2002, led me to question French political culture. Many citizens have lost faith in the State due to years of a stagnating economy, while rising immigration has provided a scapegoat for France’s woes. These trends are not uniquely French and can be found worldwide. Growing support for nationalism and populism must be understood in a global context.
Our analysis: the student’s starting point here is an observation and analysis of current French politics, followed by a broader analysis of the more global political trends that justify his or her choice of course.
Example of an introduction to an engineering curriculum
Comprendre le fonctionnement des appareils et le lien entre une théorie soigneusement élaborée et la construction me fascine. À Lyon, l’incroyable transformation d’anciens docks en quartiers résidentiels, de loisirs et d’affaires montre le potentiel de l’ingénierie pour transformer complètement le paysage d’une ville. Cette prouesse m’a incité à rechercher les concepts physiques qui garantissent l’intégrité structurelle des bâtiments et m’a poussé à faire de l’ingénierie une discipline universitaire. Je veux apprendre à développer davantage ma compréhension théorique afin de créer de nouveaux bâtiments, appareils et machines. Traduit avec (version gratuite)
Our analysis: this introduction is effective because the student starts from a personal experience – the transformation of the city in which he grew up thanks to engineering – and how this encouraged him to pursue engineering studies.
Example of an introduction to a mathematics and management curriculum
Leonhard Euler’s prolific work and influence across maths inspires me. In Ian Stewart’s book In Pursuit of the Unknown, I was fascinated to learn about Euler’s formula for polyhedra, which introduced me to topology. I was keen to see how it could be applied to disciplines such as biology, for example by helping us to grasp how DNA works. His interdisciplinary work and research in fields including music theory is especially inspirational to me. Just as he wrote Tentamen Novae Musicae, hoping to bring maths and music together into one discipline, I wish to combine mathematics and business into one force for good.
Our analysis: interesting introduction in which the student talks about both the research he was able to do on a great mathematician and how this reinforced his desire to pursue mathematics and business studies.
Example of an introduction to a course in history and international relations
Discovering the history of Portugal and its links with my family history, was what first forged my interest in history and international relations. Having recently examined a picture of my grandfather taken during his national service in Angola in 1970, I tracked down two of his fellow servicemen to learn more about their experiences and the factors that led to this breakdown in the relationship between Portugal and its colony. This process taught me two things; the important role the past plays in shaping identity and the significance of international relations in shaping that history.
Our analysis: the student draws an interesting parallel between the history of Portugal and her own personal history, and how the research she has done has encouraged her to want to study history and international relations.
Example of an introduction to a course in political science and international relations
Fukuyama notoriously foretold of the End of History, proclaiming the hegemony of Western liberal democracy. The fact that he was wrong, and a deep-seated struggle over national and international order remains, draws me to politics and international relations. In particular, I am fascinated by ongoing ideological debates : nationalism versus globalism; capitalism versus socialism; progressivism versus conservatism. Studying politics and international relations would help me to understand the processes behind those struggles and how they continue to shape history.
Our analysis: here, the student starts by reading a major book on international relations, draws her own conclusions from this reading and then expresses how this motivates her desire to pursue a degree in political science and international relations.

Academic interest in the subject (22-27 lines)
In the next section – the main section of the statement – you’ll have to show that you’re genuinely interested in the course of study you’re aiming for: that means giving tangible examples!
Think about all the resources you have already explored or those you could explore further to demonstrate your interest in the university course you wish to pursue!
Your main objectives for this section are
- create a “story” about how you developed your interest in the subject(s) of your proposed course of study, and give examples to show that you didn’t choose it by chance;
- show all the ways in which you have explored this field of study: through courses, readings, articles, books, videos, podcasts, conferences, experiments, summer school or school or extracurricular projects;
- try to structure it in two to four paragraphs to make it more readable, once you’ve decided what content you want to include here.
Below are examples of this second part for several curricula, along with our analysis.
Example of the second part of a management curriculum
Having explored the sharing economy through BCG’s article “What’s Next for the Sharing Economy?” and Leigh Gallagher’s book The Airbnb Story has convinced me that economies will continue to move away from ownership-driven models towards sharing service and subscription-based models. This is a result of shifting consumer preferences, a technology-led decline in transaction costs, and massive venture capital investments into such services. Traditional corporations must adapt their strategy to meet these changing preferences. For example, Ikea recently acquired TaskRabbit, a freelance marketplace for everyday tasks. This acquisition naturally complements Ikea’s core business. In The Sharing Economy Meets Reality, Professor Michael Cusumano argues that most existing sharing-based firms remain small, unprofitable, and profoundly dependent on venture capital. However, due to these firms’ heavy reliance on network effects and economies of scale, I expect them to eventually grow to be self-supporting, even if Cusumano’s observations hold true now.
Our analysis: the student talks here about his interest in the collaborative economy, which he developed through independent research (reading several articles and a book). He then mentions several examples and doesn’t hesitate to give his point of view at the end of the paragraph.
Example of the second part of a management curriculum
My Scientific baccalaureate has developed my analytical mind and mathematical proficiency. I applied these skills to key business topics, including financial accounting and corporate finance, by enrolling in Wharton’s Business Foundations course on Coursera. Working in two stores in Lyon, I used concepts from the course to help the owner improve the stores’ performance. For example, we reduced the number of brands from 15 to 10, to create strength through consistency rather than pursuing multiple diffuse objectives. In addition, we refocused on football accessories, a niche the stores already had a significant competitive advantage in, due to their prime location and strong reputation for this type of equipment. The strategy increased sales 25% year-on-year, and decreased costs 3.5% by negotiating supplier contracts.
Our analysis: the student here demonstrates how the subjects she studied in high school and the online courses she took independently will enable her to succeed in a management course. She then manages to put into practice theoretical management concepts acquired through reading and professional experience, and shows the result she was able to achieve. That’s exactly what you need to do!
Example of the second part of an economics curriculum
Economics is appealing due to its combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. My passion for maths will enable me to engage competently with the technical aspects of an Economics degree : in Year 10, I received first prize in a regional maths competition, and won the “Rallye Maths”, a maths team problem solving competition. Eager to gain a solid grounding in finance, I enrolled in Yale’s online Financial Markets course, which introduced topics such as asset pricing and financial crises. Using this knowledge, I began trading shares and currencies on the “Plus 500” application. Reading about the life of securities trader Jesse Livermore in Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, I learnt the importance of responding patiently to unexpected market behaviour.
Our analysis: in this paragraph, the candidate expresses both his motivation for studying economics, the quantitative skills he has been able to develop thanks to mathematics, and his interest in finance, illustrated by the fact that he has taken an online course, practiced trading and read the biography of a trader.
Example of the second part of a course in philosophy, politics and economics
The rise of right-wing nationalism illustrates why the combined study of Philosophy, Politics and Economics is crucial. Philosophically, nationalism represents an ideological rejection of liberal democracy. Politically, nationalist leaders use citizens’ fears to gain power. Economically, globalization and technology drive voters towards protectionism. Mikhail Gorbachev’s sympathy with the popular pro-democracy movement in East Germany in 1989 contrasts with President Donald Trump’s recent endorsement of the popular anti-migrant and nationalist movement in Germany. This challenge to liberal democracy leads to Rachman’s inevitable conclusion that the ideological alliances of Europe have shifted : once allied to promote democracy, nationalism and liberalism are now opposed. Thus, as a young European citizen, I want to investigate new solutions to the political questions posed into our democratic societies.
Our analysis: at the start of his paragraph, the student demonstrates the relevance of studying philosophy, politics and economics simultaneously. He then uses an article to draw his own conclusions and show the objectives he is seeking to achieve by pursuing this course of study.
Example of the second part of an international relations curriculum
Exploring the Cuban Missile Crisis showed me the importance of engaging with historiography. Whilst traditional interpretations generally praised President Kennedy’s blockade of the island nation, fellow revisionists convinced me that it irresponsibly risked nuclear war to influence domestic politics. Travelling to Cuba brought this all to life. I was surprised to see that many Cubans still have high esteem for Fidel Castro, which contrasted with the predominantly negative image of him I received in school. I read Volker Skierka’s biography of Castro outside of class to better understand this positive take. His portrayal of Castro as leading his country to independence from US influence and giving his people national pride, whilst increasing literacy and improving living standards was compelling. I look forward to the chance to explore Castro’s complex legacy and its geopolitical impact, both during the Cold War and today. My new understanding of Cuba shows that to know what is below the surface, learning from different perspectives and those who experienced events first-hand is essential.
Our analysis: once again, the student uses readings and articles relating to historical events to offer her own personal interpretation. Through these examples, she also demonstrates the relevance of studying the two constituent subjects of her curriculum in parallel.
Example of the second part of a political science and international relations curriculum
Brown and Ainley’s Understanding International Relations, provided me with a solid introduction of the competing theories of international relations – realism, liberalism, constructivism. My interest in realism led me to Waltz’s essay Why Iran Should Get the Bomb. While there is irony in the notion of acquiring nuclear bombs to preserve peace, it has empirical credibility. Pakistan and India have never engaged in a full-scale war; Israel has maintained its existence surrounded by hostile neighbors; and, as Mearsheimer has argued, Ukraine might have been spared Russian aggression if NATO had not convinced them to give up their nuclear stockpile.
I found realism over-reliant on material factors, ignoring broader institutional, economic and ideological influences. In particular, constructivism, as argued for in Wendt’s Anarchy Is What States Make of It, points to the role of ideology and culture, and through reading Kant’s Perpetual Peace I learned about Democratic Peace Theory. It seems apparent that while power politics might explain many of the international conflicts, deep-rooted ideological differences are pivotal to their onset and continuation. At university, I want to delve deeper into how people come to sacrifice their lives for these ideological differences .
Our analysis: here, the student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of certain international relations concepts and, through her extensive reading, a curiosity for this subject that goes far beyond the academic sphere.
Example of the second part of an engineering curriculum
Going to the conference The Extraordinary Factory in Milan showed me the importance of design in creating practical systems. For instance, seeing how metal foams are made and how well these new structures can sustain great compressive stress while being as much as 95% lighter than a full block gave me many ideas as to the ways they could be applied in the automotive and aeronautical industry. The foams that were showcased at the conference had very specific internal structures; these honeycomb and fibrous arrangements are found in nature in materials like wood or beehives, and I loved seeing how reproducing nature’s architecture has helped mankind build better buildings, cars and planes. Reading ‘50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know’ from Joanne Baker raised my interest for the concept of entropy, which I thought was a strictly physics-related concept at first. I was very interested in the use of entropy in combustion reactors to help measure “useful work”. Reading about the Stirling engine allowed me to understand entropy and its correlation with heat transfers. Further research helped me connect this concept with the expansion of the universe, and how the heat death of the universe is the terminal point at which all energy has been dispersed, all of which I found fascinating. I look forward to studying this concept more in-depth at university.
Our analysis: here, the student describes in a precise and convincing way aspects of an exhibition and readings that particularly interested him/her, and manages to relate them in a relevant way to the course of study to which he/she is applying.

Extracurricular activities (8-12 lines)
Universities also want to know what skills you have that will help you in your studies or, more generally, in your life at university. In this section, you can list achievements you’re proud of, as well as your activities and responsibilities at school or in associations.
Don’t hesitate to indicate any professional or volunteer experience, especially if it is related to your chosen course. Try to relate any experience to the skills or qualities related to the course:
- What are the three hobbies or activities you most enjoy doing both at school and in your free time? Have you ever held a position of responsibility?
- Have you already taken part in any projects? What skills have they enabled you to develop?
- What travels, internships or personal projects have you already undertaken?
- Have you ever won any prizes or entered any competitions? Which ones?
Sample paragraph on extracurricular activities
Outside of school, I am particularly involved in the Scout Movement. Leading a four-week camping trip in the summer has allowed me to develop my problem solving skills. This involves trying to minimize the amount of wood needed whilst ensuring that tents will withstand strong wind. Thinking on my feet in these situations has given me confidence and motivation to use engineering to design solutions. I also enjoy playing club football and tennis and competing in tournaments. These activities have developed my ability to collaborate with others and manage my time effectively – vital skills for undertaking group research projects.
Sample paragraph on extracurricular activities
My role as class representative bolstered my leadership skills. Kouzes’ and Posner’s The Truth About Leadership taught me the importance of empathy and listening in fostering strong working relationships with those you lead. I apply this by dedicating time to every student before termly council meetings, to best defend their interests. Seeking to make an impact in my community, I created and managed a charity club called “Senior Junior” that gathers students and seniors to encourage the two groups to interact and help seniors use technology independently. A huge success, the club won First Prize among 30 charity projects.
Sample paragraph on extracurricular activities
Eager to share my passion for maths, I tutor students at my school and at a school for disadvantaged students. I also distribute meals at a soup kitchen. These experiences have enhanced my communication and teaching skills, which I hope to further develop at university. I regularly compete at the national level in skiing, football and tennis, strengthening my determination to succeed and my organizational skills. In Year 10, I studied in New Zealand for six months and volunteered at an Indonesian orphanage for eight weeks, pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
Our analysis: in all three cases, the students manage to show that their personal experiences and activities have enabled them to develop the qualities sought by the target course – which is exactly what they need to do!
Sample paragraph on extracurricular activities
Outside of my studies, I have enjoyed being a member of Scouts for nine years. Being responsible for younger girls from varied backgrounds has developed my interpersonal skills and influenced my political views. In particular, Scouts engenders a strong appreciation for nature, which has strengthened my motivation to combat climate change. While nations can act individually to protect the environment, it is very much an issue that requires a concerted international effort. Seeing that the US has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement on economic grounds, regardless of the fact that long-term economic impacts outweigh any short-term gains, reveals the unpredictable nature of politics. In my future degree, I hope to understand more about how and why such historic decisions are made.
Our analysis: this paragraph is devoted to the student’s extracurricular activities. Each activity is presented in precise detail (with figures), enabling the student to demonstrate the qualities or skills he or she has developed that are particularly sought-after in his or her chosen course of study.
Sample paragraph on extracurricular activities
Outside of school, I regularly attend current affairs conferences, such as a recent lecture given by Courrier International about how they choose articles from the international press to translate for their news magazine. Since last year, I have spent time volunteering in a hospital talking to the elderly; listening to their life stories has made me eager to further explore oral traditions.
Our analysis: the student manages to create a direct link between all the extracurricular activities mentioned and the targeted course of study. That’s exactly what you need to do! There’s no point talking about activities you can’t link to your intended course of study.

Conclusion (2-4 lignes)
This last section gives you the opportunity to project yourself into the future. Here, for example, you can explain how this university course will help you to develop academically and personally, and to realize your future plans. Once again, the emphasis should be on the academic dimension!
Exemple de conclusion
I am eager to explore the clubs and societies that UK universities offer. I have studied in France, Canada and Ireland, experiences that developed my maturity and ability to adapt to new situations. With a strong appetite for challenges, a wide array of international experiences, and a scientific mind, I am certain I will make the most of a diverse learning environment.
Exemple de conclusion
By studying Management at a leading UK institution, I hope to contribute to the university community, further my academic and professional interests, and make my dream of becoming an entrepreneur a reality.
Exemple de conclusion
There will always be pressing issues at the domestic and international level that require analysis that only a holistic understanding of Philosophy, Politics and Economics can bring. I hope to be prepared for whatever those issues might be.
Exemple de conclusion
I am eager to study Engineering at a leading UK university. I sincerely hope to have the chance to learn in a new culture and use my dedication and work ethic to tackle complex mechanical, civil and technological problems.
Exemple de conclusion
I sincerely hope to be able to study Mathematics and Management at university. I am confident that these two complementary subjects will empower me to solve real-world problems and develop personally and professionally. I believe my academic abilities and extracurricular experiences will enable me to succeed on this course.
Exemple de conclusion
Neither history nor international relations alone can provide a comprehensive picture of the phenomena I am interested in. It is only by combining the two that I can begin to understand the complexities of the past; complexities that continue to inform our world today.
Our analysis: in these examples, the students all manage to sum up their motivations for joining the chosen course and the goals they hope to achieve.
Write a first draft of your personal statement in paragraph form
For those who prefer a more visual approach: don’t hesitate to do some mind mapping. To do this, put on a sheet of paper all the experiences, activities, skills, readings, videos, courses you’ve taken or themes you find interesting.
Then think about how you can link the course you’re applying for to these elements. Highlight the most significant ones and create links between them using arrows, colors and other symbols.s
You can also use the UCAS tool ( to help you write your first draft of a personal statement, or a similar tool from Which? (
You can also find many other depersonal statements online, but be careful: there’s no guarantee that they’re good examples!
Rework this first version of your statement
At this point, you should have written a first version of your statement. Congratulations! Don’t hesitate to take at least a day’s break to collect your thoughts before getting back to it!
You could also take advantage of this break to watch other YouTube videos, read academic articles, books or consult blogs related to your curriculum, in order to incorporate these new examples into the second version of your statement. It’s not enough just to mention a book or reference; you’ll also be expected to provide your own personal analysis.
Once you feel ready to tackle the second version, focus on how you can both enrich your statementplus and make it interesting to read.
Ask yourself: how can you stand out from the thousands of other statements out there?
Don’t hesitate to use anecdotes, experiences and inspiring moments in your journey!
Avoid using examples from your childhood to illustrate your point. personal statement – it may sound cliché. Avoid, for example : Although tinkering with engines had always been a childhood hobby, it was the vision of the fastest car on earth, the Bloodhound, at an exhibition in London, that roused my desire to learn everything I could about automotive engineering.
You should also be as careful as possible to avoid repetition, humor, words or expressions such as always or try, or other terms that tend to minimize your words or experiences.
Rework your statement until you have a version that you’re happy with.
Once you’ve integrated your latest changes, take a step back before diving back into your statement.
Now it’s time to turn your attention to the styling aspects of your statement. Reread it aloud, focusing on style, tone, spelling and grammar. statement ne contiendra pas de conclusion à proprement parler. De plus, résistez à la tentation de structurer votre statement selon un schéma formel ou d’utiliser un style trop pompeux. L’anglais que vous utilisez dans votre statement doit être standard – utiliser des mots que votre professeur d’anglais utiliserait en classe –, l’accent devra être davantage mis sur le contenu et sur sa capacité à démontrer qui vous êtes plutôt que sur sa structure. Privilégiez l’orthographe britannique plutôt qu’américain dans votre statement. Par exemple : optez pour realise (UK) plutôt que realize (US). Le plus important est d’être cohérent – n’utiliser que l’orthographe britannique ou américain.

Finalize your statement
Once you’re satisfied with your statement, read it aloud, if possible to several people you trust (friends, family or teachers) and observe their reactions: is it convincing? What impression do you give of yourself through this statement? Do you come across as passionate about your future studies? Open-minded, curious, arrogant? Does it mention enough references related to your future studies?
When proofreading, ask yourself: “Does my statement show a genuine interest in the program I want to follow at university, or does it need to be enriched? Is it too descriptive? Does it leave enough room for personal analysis? Then ask several people you trust to review your statement with a critical eye! Be open to advice and suggestions from others, but don’t feel obliged to follow them all if you don’t think they’re relevant. Remind these people that this is not a classic cover letter, but a document with a very strong academic dimension and very specific expectations.
To check... punctuation, spelling and grammar, and that your statement respects the limit of 47 lines and 4,000 characters (including spaces) on a site like
Give yourself at least two months to write it, but start thinking about the resources you’re going to use, the experiences and internships you’ll need to complete well in advance (up to one or two years before). Remember that for some degree courses, universities receive thousands of applications, so your personal statement should set you apart from the rest!
Lorcan, a student at Cambridge University, recounts the process of writing his personal statement for a bachelor’s degree in history : « In the summer before my senior year, writing my personal statement was a decisive moment in the preparation of my application: Oxford and Cambridge universities are waiting for a statement exceptional. 80% of personal statement should be devoted to your academic interests and experiences related to the subject you plan to study. Although it may be tempting to talk about your professional experience and any awards or medals you may have won, your statement should in fact be as focused as possible on the course of study you wish to apply for, and remain very academic. It’s essential to demonstrate a strong interest and curiosity in the subject you wish to study. So, to demonstrate my passion for history, I went to several academic conferences in London and read many history books. For example, I read Mao Zedong’s biography Mao. The unknown story by writer Jung Chang. In her book, she describes Mao’s regime as diabolical and argues that it damaged China forever. While this is true in many respects, the historian glosses over some of the economic and defense achievements of Mao’s regime. So I set out to find articles that would qualify the statements made in her book. I sought out articles from academic journals to draw my own conclusions about Mao’s legacy. I was thus able to share this experience in my personal statement. »
Like Lorcan, don’t hesitate to express your point of view, to be critical of the readings mentioned in your statement, and to seek out academic articles that qualify or challenge certain ideas or statements.
Need help writing your UCAS Personal Statement? Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your project! We also explain encoded>what to do after sending your UCAS file.