How to write your CV in English?

Presentation of CV or Résumé in English If you’d like to get your foot in the door one of the world’s most prestigious universities, you’ll have to face up to the test of the writing your CV in English or “Résumé” (in the USA) in English. Overall French and Anglo-Saxon CVs are not so dissimilar.…

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By Adam Girsault

Updated on August 12, 2024


Presentation of CV or Résumé in English

If you’d like to get your foot in the door one of the world’s most prestigious universities, you’ll have to face up to the test of the writing your CV in English or “Résumé” (in the USA) in English. Overall French and Anglo-Saxon CVs are not so dissimilar. However, it is important to understand the differences between these two presentations to maximize your chances of find favor with admissions officers at the most selective universities.You want to know how to write your CV in English ?In this article, discover seven essential headings for a perfect presentation.

English CV

1. Personal information

As its name suggests, this first point concerns your personal data and informationIn view of the anti-discrimination laws recently passed in many Anglo-Saxon countries, you must not include your gender or marital status in your presentation. For identical reasons, do not attach a photo either.

2. Professional ambitions

After entering your personal information, you will be asked to explain your professional goals .
Dans cette partie de votre
CV, you will answer the following questions: What are your professional ambitions ? What career would you like to embrace? Do you intend to specialize?  

Professional ambitions CV

3. Cursus

Here you must specify the school and university careers that you have followed, specifying the names of the establishments visited as well as their location. Detail important lessons you have received, specifying the duration of each course.List your diplomas in anti-chronological order by entering your honors or marks if they are honorable. Be careful not to mark no abbreviation such as DUT, BTS or DEUG, as these acronyms are not universal.

4. Professional experience

In an English-language CV, This section is of particular importance to our admissions managers. Properly designed, it can help you to set yourself apart from other candidates. Don’t be stingy with details. In addition to the basic information about the company you worked for, specify the role you had to play, the skills required by this job, the capabilities that you have developed… In other words, highlight your professional experience, even if they’re just summer jobs.

If you don’t yet have any professional experience under your belt, at least take note of the following internships that you have made during your school and university career.

5. Skills

In this section, you’ll enter your skills, and since this is a CVs for Anglo-Saxon establishments, start by specifying your level of English : intermediate, fluent, bilingual… If you speak another foreign language, note that too.You should also mention your computer skills, or any other area of expertise, making sure to maintain consistency with your career goals.

skills CV

6. Extra-professional activities

This is one part of your English CV that should not be overlooked..
Les responsables des admissions seront particulièrement attentifs aux
interests that you will mention, as these are very revealing your personality .
Essayez d’être original et de sortir du lot.
Take advantage of each of your activities: do you like playing soccer? Add a sentence to explain that you particularly enjoy teamwork and that you’re very fair-play.  

In addition, Anglo-Saxons particularly appreciate profiles of people who are committed to a social, humanitarian or other cause, or who practise volunteering. If this is your case, don’t hesitate to note it in your English CV.

7. References

One of the major differences between the French CVs and English CVs is linked to the usefulness of this section. In fact, unlike their French counterparts, the Anglo-Saxon admissions managers please do not hesitate to contact the contact persons listed on the your English CV .
N’oubliez pas de noter les coordonnées complètes de ces derniers.

Finally, before sending your CV in English, take the time to proofread it.Spelling, syntax and grammatical errors can be prohibitive. Recruiters pay particular attention to the language of Shakespeare.You’ll find a plethora of English CV templates.
Vous pouvez les consulter et vous en inspirer, mais restez vigilants, car vous pourriez être induits en erreur.
Faites-vous confiance, et dans l’idéal, demandez à une personne compétente de vous aider ou de vous relire.

Writing your CV in English can be a complex exercise. However, when accompanied by a letter of motivation straight, a well-crafted CV is the key to your admission to the best universities. top-ranking establishments.To help you optimize your chances of getting into the university of your dreams, Your Dream Schooloffers you a admission coaching , following a unique method and a personalized program, and also assists you in the writing your CV in English.

Don’t hesitate to Contact us for further information

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Adam Girsault Author
About Adam Girsault

With a Bachelor's (LLB) from UCL and Assas, and the Grande Ecole program at HEC Paris, Adam has over 10 years of experience in education and student mentoring. Passionate about helping students achieve their academic dreams, he co-founded Your Dream School to guide students through university admissions and interview preparation for top global institutions.

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