Préparer son dossier de candidature en Bachelor aux Pays-Bas : quel est le processus pour candidater via Studielink ?

Every year, several thousand foreign students apply to universities in the Netherlands. Here’s a step-by-step guide to submitting your applying for a bachelor’s degree in the Netherlands viathe Studielink platform.

What is Studielink?

Like the UCAS platform or Parcoursup, the Studielink centralized application portal lets you apply to different universities in the Netherlands. The application process is thus largely centralized, and the Studielink platform is then responsible for forwarding your application to the universities you have selected.

To enter a bachelor’s program in the Netherlands, you will generally need to include :

  • votre score à un test d’anglais standardisé de type TOEFL ou IELTS (la plupart des universités aux Pays-Bas dispensent une partie des formations en anglais) ;
  • une photo d’identité numérisée.

How to apply via Studielink ?

The Studielink platform is relatively easy to use. You’ll find a wealth of advice and information to help you through all the stages involved in creating your application file. If you encounter any difficulties in the process, please consult the “Questions/Answers” page, which lists the most common problems encountered by students during the registration process.

Here are the various stages involved in preparing your application.

1st step – Create your personal space

First, go to To create your account, click on “Create Studielink account without DigID” and enter your e-mail address and password to access your secure personal space.

2nd step – Fill in your personal information

Each question earns you 1 point. However, if you answer a question incorrectly, no points will be awarded. Once you’ve completed this first step, you’ll need to enter your personal details (surname, first name, contact details, etc.) as well as your previous course of study in the heading My previous education.

3rd step – Choosing your course

Now you’re getting to the heart of the matter. Select your program of study and universities you want to join. To make the right choice, take the time to think carefully about your project, and find out about the different establishments you are about to apply to. You can only apply for four courses at a time (two of which are selective and have a limited number of places, or one of which is selective and has a limited number of places). numerus fixus). However, you will be able to change your choices up until the application deadline (which varies from program to program in the Netherlands).

4th step – Submit your application

Once you have completed your application, the Studielink platform will send you an e-mail confirming that your application has been accepted. However, depending on the university and the course of study, you may be required to provide additional documents, or be called for a written or oral exam before the jury can make a final decision on your admission. For example liberal arts in University Colleges, as well as programs such as the BSc in International Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management are selective and will require you to provide additional information (CV, report cards, cover letter…) in order to be considered.

5th step – Transmit your bank details for payment of your tuition fees

If your application has been accepted, please note that your enrolment will only be effective once you have paid your tuition fees to the chosen university.

Please note that enrolment in a study program via Studielink is only valid for one year. Therefore, you will need to renew your registration each year. Generally, the registration deadline is January 15 or 1st February for selective courses with limited places (numerus fixus) and around April or May for other courses.

We recommend solutions to finance your studies abroad.

Applying for a grant or loan

Via the Studielink platform, you can also apply for a grant or loan to help finance your studies. These grants are available to both Dutch and European students, and are awarded on the basis of criteria such as nationality, age and course of study. If you are not eligible for a scholarship, you can still apply for a loan to finance your tuition fees. Via the Studielink website, you can obtain an estimate of the student loan available to you.

Would you like to study in the Netherlands after high school? Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your project!