How do I prepare for IELTS?

Edited collaboratively by Cambridge Assessment English and by the British Council, IELTS is the most used...

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By Adam Girsault

Updated on August 12, 2024

Introduction to IELTS

Jointly edited by Cambridge Assessment English and the British Council, l’IELTS is the English testmost widely used in Europe and United Kingdom.

The vast majority of International universities recognize this English test and the most selective among them require candidates with >Bachelor or in Master, to obtain a relatively high score in theIELTS.But what is IELTS ? What to expect when you pass this English test ? What are the IELTS grading ? Where to take IELTS? What are the differences between IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge Proficiency or Advanced?

Focus on this very special examination.

IELTS test

What is IELTS?

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is an standardized test 2h45 to assess the English level for academic purposes (IELTS Academic) or practical and professional (IELTS General Training).IELTS candidates are subject to two types of assessment designed to evaluate their expression and understanding language skills. Each of these skills is the subject of a specific dual written and oral assessment. The students are noted on a scale from 1 to 9. The higher the score, the better the candidate’s level.

Pass IELTS has a price:235 Euros. In France, the number of IELTS sessions varies from city to city. For example, in Paris, three exam dates are offered each month, compared with a single monthly session at Nice.  Le British Council offers IELTS test registration via its website. This procedure must be carried out two months before the actual examination date.

Why prepare for IELTS?

The structure of IELTS exam is made up of 4 tests which aim to evaluate specific skills.

  • Listening: oral comprehension (40 min)
  • Reading: reading comprehension (1h)
  • Writing:written expression (1h)
  • Speaking: oral expression (between 10 and 15 min)

For a layman, the l’IELTS can be extremely confusing. The amount of work to be done may seem colossal in relation to the time available. The first two rounds of oral and written comprehension come in the form of MCQS.

We strongly recommend that you answer all your questions asked, even when in doubt, as incorrect answers will not be accepted. not penalized.

It is essential to follow a good preparation for IELTS to familiarize with all the tests you’ll have to take on D-day. Understanding how this English test and knowing how it works will enable you to approach the tests more serenely and maximize your chances of success.


How do I prepare for IELTS?

Before you start IELTS preparation, it is essential to gauge your level of English.
Ainsi, il vous sera plus simple d’estimer le chemin qu’il vous reste à parcourir pour atteindre votre objectif.
Rappelons que bon nombre d’universités de renommée internationale exigent un
minimum IELTS scoreIf you fail to do so, they will reject your application. For example, a score of 7.0 is required for Oxford, 7.5 for >Harvard, 6.5 for McGill .Once you’ve taken this first step, you’ll need to taming the language of Shakespeare. This project can be carried out in a variety of ways: one-to-one tuition, reading materials of all kinds, watching English films, writing essays, and so on. familiarize your ear with the language and the accent that goes with it, because in the course of this English test, your comprehension skills will be put to the test.Your English level is therefore crucial to the success of your IELTS exam.
Rappelons toutefois que ce
English test has a rather particular configuration and it is important to understand the structure of the examination and to be informed of IELTS scoring criteria so as not to be caught off guard on exam day.Finally, after boosting your English skills and read the exact course of the test, don’t hesitate to submit to IELTS simulations (speaking, reading and writing) …) to make sure you’re ready for the exam.

Preparing for IELTS

IELTS preparation: Your Dream School’s unique method

The Your Dream School team has designed a a unique and proven method for preparing and supporting students wishing to take part in the IELTS exam.In the first instance, we’ll assess your level of English so that we can pinpoint the areas we need to work on. Then we’ll get down to work, we draw up a customized preparation program, perfectly suited to your profile to help you achieve your target score. your training, you’ll benefit from one-to-one distance learning with excellent teachers, with many years of experience in the field. IELTS preparation.
Attentifs et disponibles, ces
IELTS experts will help you familiarize yourself with this English test and provide you with invaluable advice.

We’ll also give you access to a IELTS preparation platform so you can work where you want, when you want.

To best meet the needs of each student, we offer different IELTS preparation options which differ in the number of hours of support.

Don’t hesitate to Contact us if you have any questions or require further information.

Your Dream School, a partner in your success.

Adam Girsault Author
About Adam Girsault

With a Bachelor's (LLB) from UCL and Assas, and the Grande Ecole program at HEC Paris, Adam has over 10 years of experience in education and student mentoring. Passionate about helping students achieve their academic dreams, he co-founded Your Dream School to guide students through university admissions and interview preparation for top global institutions.

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