Key differences between TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS

It’s hard to find your way around the multitude of standardized English tests offered. However, it is essential to know differences betweenTOEIC, The TOEFL and l’IELTS to make sure you take the most appropriate test for your situation and needs.To help you see things more clearly, Your Dream School offers you a comparison between TOEFL,…

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By Adam Girsault

Updated on November 14, 2024


It’s hard to find your way around the multitude of standardized English tests offered. However, it is essential to know differences betweenTOEIC, The TOEFL and l’IELTS to make sure you take the most appropriate test for your situation and needs.To help you see things more clearly, Your Dream School offers you a comparison between TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS.

English tests

TOEFL ou TOEIC ? Définissez vos objectifs

LE TOEFL and the TOEIC sare both published by l’ETS organization or Services de tests éducatifs.
Pour autant, ces deux
standardized tests do not have the same objectives. In fact, the TOEFL is academic in scope and is designed to assess the English language skills of foreign students wishing to begin a course of study in a Anglo-Saxon University.
Quant au
TOEIC, it assesses candidates’ language skills in the context of a job search.. Visit TOEIC may also be required to integrate certain Business schools. Because they do not have the same objectives, the TOEIC and the TOEFL have a different structure. For example, the TOEFL test assesses candidates‘ oral and written English skills because it’s important for them to prove their ability to evolve in an English-speaking world. (Note that the oral part of the TOEFL is dematerialized.
Les candidats enregistrent leur réponse sur ordinateur via un microphone). Visit
TOEIC The oral exam is totally disregarded. HR managers and recruiters are the ones who judge oral language skills applicants during their job interview.

Visit TOEFL and the TOEIC are both made up of several series of MCQs to be completed, but different in terms of medium and duration. Visit TOEFL is achieved in 4 hours, on computer (note: QWERTY keyboard), while the TOEIC is carried out in 2 hours, on paper.

TOEFL and IELTS: what are the differences?

Visit TOEFL and l’IELTS are part of the standardized English tests the best-known and most popular with Foreign universities .
If European and British higher education institutions have a preference for IELTS, American universities are leaning more towards the TOEFL IBT .For example, the TOEFL and ’IELTS both have a academic aim.
Aussi, les candidats seront évalués sur les mêmes compétences, à savoir :
Reading comprehension (Reading) , Written expression (Writing)Oral comprehension (Listening)Oral expression (Speaking). However, if the oral part of the TOEFL is entirely computerizedtheIELTS takes place in front of a corrector.
Some candidates are more comfortable in front of a screen and prefer not to have to talk to an examiner. However, it is sometimes easier to talk to an examiner, who can guide you through the conversation and repeat or rephrase a question if necessary. What’s more, IELTS offers a greater variety of exercises than TOEFL.
You’ll have to complete sentences, fill-in-the-blank texts, true or false … as well as a series of MCQs.

IELTS also has the advantage of taking less time than TOEFL IBT because it lasts only 2 hours 45 minutes, compared with 4 hours for TOEFL..
En revanche,
IELTS is more expensive than its counterpart. 230 for l’IELTS compared with €180 for the TOEFL IBT.Before you decide on one of these two standardized English tests, please contact the university in question.
In fact, some establishments require TOEFL, while others require
Find out more about minimum score required by the University in order to have a precise objective. Here’s a comparison table showing the main features differences between TOEIC, TOEFL and IELTS.

TOEIC success

TOEIC – TOEFL IBT – IELTS comparison chart

AimingProfessional: Evaluation des English skills as part of a job search. At the academic level, the TOEIC test may be required to enter Business schools.Academic: Mainly required by English-speaking universities to test the English level of foreign students. Essentially required for studies in literature and science.In some countries, the TOEFL may be required to obtainprofessional or student visa.Academic:Mainly required by European and British universities to assess candidates’ level of English.
OrganizationPublished by l’ETS (Educational Testing Services)Edité par l’ETS (Educational Testing Services)Jointly edited by Cambridge Assessment English and the British Council
Skills assessedReading comprehension and written expression (the Expression orale et écrite including an oral test is rarely used).Reading comprehension (Reading) , Written expression (Writing), Listening comprehension (Listening), Oral expression (Speaking)Reading comprehension (Reading) , Written expression (Writing), Listening comprehension (Listening), Oral expression (Speaking)
Oral partNoneDematerialized: on computer with recording of your answersMaintenance with an examiner
Written and oral comprehension :Series of MCQsSéries of QCMVarious exercises (MCQs, fill-in-the-blank sentences, fill-in-the-blank texts, etc.), true or false …)
Rating out of 990out of 120sur 9
Average rate110 €180 €230 €
Examination datesTest scheduleTest schedule Test schedule

Whether you want take the TOEFL or IELTS examsyou can count on experts Your Dream School to help you get the best score on these standardized tests. Take advantage of a unique, tried-and-tested method and benefit from TOEFL preparation or a IELTS training efficient and tailor-made.

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Adam Girsault Author
About Adam Girsault

With a Bachelor's (LLB) from UCL and Assas, and the Grande Ecole program at HEC Paris, Adam has over 10 years of experience in education and student mentoring. Passionate about helping students achieve their academic dreams, he co-founded Your Dream School to guide students through university admissions and interview preparation for top global institutions.

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