Joining Sciences Po or a French Grande Ecole after a Bachelor’s degree: what you need to know

If, in the beginning, entering a preparatory class was the best way to to enter Sciences Po or in a French Grande École, today’s students are increasingly turning to parallel admissions. It’s an alternative that appeals to young graduates as much as to those who have just graduated. top-tier establishments who want to diversify their…

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By Adam Girsault

Updated on August 12, 2024

Sciences Po

If, in the beginning, entering a preparatory class was the best way to to enter Sciences Po or in a French Grande École, today’s students are increasingly turning to parallel admissions. It’s an alternative that appeals to young graduates as much as to those who have just graduated. top-tier establishments who want to diversify their student recruitment and attract more original profiles to enrich their university landscape.

Sciences Po, ESSEC, HEC … Focus on international parallel admissions which open the doors to top-ranking establishments.

Join a top-ranking school through international parallel admissions

Whether it’s Sciences Po or a Business or engineering school, students who have acquired a BAC +3 or +4 level during their undergraduate studies can opt for parallel admissions, to start their Master’s degree. CPGEs are no longer indispensable and places reserved for admissions by title are increasingly important.

Just like Sciences Pothe French Grandes Écoles appreciate atypical academic backgrounds, as long as they have led to the award of a diploma and come with a clearly defined career ambitions.

The policy of these higher education establishments is also to opening up to international markets and students with a Bachelor abroadw can also apply in international parallel admissions to get into the famous Parisian IEP or other renowned establishments.

Joining a French Grande Ecole

Sciences Po and French Grandes Écoles: admission procedures

Students in their final year of the Bachelor can already apply for a Master’s degree at Sciences Po or one of the Grandes Écoles de commerce or engineering schools.

Within the framework of international admissions,Sciences Po recruits on the basis of a competitive application. If the application is judged to be good, the student is admitted to the school without further procedures or an admission oral. In this context, the>admission file must be given special attention, as it is the cornerstone of your application’s acceptance or rejection.Before you applying to Sciences Poyou need to clearly define your objectives.
Vous aurez en effet la possibilité de
apply for a Master’s degree or for a double degree through international parallel admissions.In addition, the number of places at this top-ranking establishment is limited. As the registration calendar is open from October to March, we strongly advise you to start the registration process as soon as possible. admission procedure as early as possible to increase your chances of getting into Sciences Po.

Understanding the Grandes Écoles de Commerce admissions system

The international parallel admissions also open doors to the most prestigious prestigious French business schools : HEC,ESSEC,EM Lyon… Every year, these reputed establishments offer more places for international international parallel admissions. Visit admission procedures vary from school to school, but for the majority of them (HEC, EmLyon, Audencia and ESCP), the application admission procedures can be made via an online platforma centralized application system. This is the SAI procedure.EDHEC and ESSEC, on the other hand, are not part of the SAI procedure, and will require separate applications. UnlikeUnlike admission to Sciences Powhich is based solely on the applicant’s assessment of his or her admission filecandidates applying to these Grandes Écoles de commerce will also have to undergo an admission oral.
S’il réussit cet entretien, le candidat est alors admis dans l’établissement avec pour seule réserve d’obtenir son diplôme de Bachelor.
S’il est déjà diplômé, cette admission est définitive.

Business School France application form

Your Dream School: optimize your chances of getting into your dream school!

To optimize your chances of admission to Sciences Po or the French Grandes Écoles, Your Dream School develops a personalized personalized admission strategy.Call on our team of professionals will help you significantly improve your chances of admission.Taking charge Your Dream School includes:

  • A preliminary interview with a >parallel admission coach international to help students clearly define their professional project and target their profile.
  • Substantial help in preparing a complete, coherent and attractive application, highlighting the student’s strengths, abilities and motivations.
  • Advice on obtaining letters of recommendation.
  • >Preparation for the admission oralsincluding training and conditioning.
  • Assigning a mentor who have followed the same university course as the student.
  • An experienced team, is made up of members who have attended prestigious universities and who are driven by the desire to provide practical help to all students wishing to enter prestigious universities. leading universities in France and abroad.
  • A reliable and available team, to answer students’ questions and suggestions at any time.

Thanks to Your Dream School, benefit from acustomized support which covers the entire admissions process, and benefit from the unrivalled expertise of a international parallel admissions coach.

Discover>our support package for your job applications in Master et n’hésitez pas à contact us if you have any questions or require further information.We also invite you to read our article on the many advantages of of studying abroad for a Master’s degree.Your Dream Schoola partner in your success.

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Adam Girsault Author
About Adam Girsault

With a Bachelor's (LLB) from UCL and Assas, and the Grande Ecole program at HEC Paris, Adam has over 10 years of experience in education and student mentoring. Passionate about helping students achieve their academic dreams, he co-founded Your Dream School to guide students through university admissions and interview preparation for top global institutions.

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