TOEFL or IELTS: what’s the difference between the 2 tests?

Today, there are numerous English tests offered by several organizations. In this article, we’ll help you choose and differentiate between TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) et IELTS(International English Language Testing System).

Indeed, theTOEFL et l’IELTS are two different tests, but offer a similar format, unlike TOEIC for example. It’s important to choose the test that suits you best, depending on which one is required by universities or the country you wish to visit.

What are the differences between TOEFL and IELTS in terms of structure?

Indeed, theTOEFL and l’IELTS are both structured in four parts :

– Partie parlante

· Partie writing

·Listening section

· Partie reading

However, the content of each section is different in each test. Here’s a summary of what to expect in each section:

Partie SpeakingFace-to-face interview with an examinerVoice recording on a computer
Partie WritingAnalysis of tables and academic documents on one sheet of paperExamination on computer (with QWERTY keyboard)
Listening section4 different audio extracts: monologues or conversationsUnderstand and analyze academic and university discussions
Partie ReadingTexts from books, magazines and newspapersAcademic texts
StructureA single test that evaluates speaking, writing, listening and reading at the same time4 separate tests: speaking, writing, listening and reading
NotationFrom 0 to 9 pointsOut of 120 points
Level of difficultyaccording to target scoreaccording to target score

As you can see, l’IELTS and the TOEFL have a few differences !

In terms of speaking and writing skills, the TOEFL evaluates these two parts as a whole, without distinguishing between grammatical, vocabulary or logical errors. With l’IELTS, These parts are graded separately, and attention is paid to grammar, stylistic ease and the appropriateness of the vocabulary used…

For the oral and written comprehension (listening and reading), the TOEFL offers multiple-choice questions to choose from. For l’IELTS, there can be several types of expected answers: sentences to complete, short answers, true/false, and also multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

What level do TOEFL or IELTS scores correspond to?

TOEFL and IELTS are graded differently. The TOEFL is graded on120 points alors que l’IELTS is noted from 0 to 9 points. We explain the equivalence of these levels with the CEFR (European Framework of Reference for Languages)..

Here’s a table explaining the equivalence between TOEFL and IELTS scores and the CEFR:

0-170-4A1 (beginner)
18-554.5-5A2 (elementary)
56-865.5-6.5B1 (intermediate)
87-1097-8B2 (independent)
110-1208-9C1 (advanced)

Qhich test is more difficult between TOEFL and IELTS?

Both exams are very comprehensive, covering all 4 aspects of the English language: speaking, writing, listening and reading.

TOEFL and IELTS are equally difficult, and some students will do better on one test than the other. The IELTS test covers all 4 aspects of language (speaking, writing, listening and reading) in a single test, which can be unsettling or, on the contrary, more accessible for some candidates. There is also the oral test, which takes place face-to-face with an examiner, unlike the TOEFL, where you have to make an audio recording. This can be more or less stressful, depending on the candidate.

Most candidates have an easier time with the TOEFL, but no one test is more difficult than another. It all depends on the profile, fromskills, from level and capabilities of the candidate.

How much does IELTS and TOEFL cost?

Both tests have a cost: the TOEFL costs about 206€ and l’IELTS 232€.

How long does each test last?

TOEFL and IELTS do not have the same duration. The TOEFL hard 3h while l’IELTS is slightly shorter and lasts 15 minutes less : 2h45. However, the part speaking part of IELTS will take place before or after the written part and lasts between 11 and 14 additional minutes.

I’m going abroad: which test should I take between TOEFL and IELTS?

To choose which test to take between TOEFL and IELTS Academic,it may be worth taking into account your country of destination, even though both tests are recognized worldwide.

For the following countries, some universities recommend taking IELTS Academic:

– United Kingdom

– Australia

– New Zealand

Some universities recommend TOEFL tests for the following countries:

– United States

– Canada

Candidates taking the l’IELTS will face a British accent ». Those who choose the TOEFL will be faced with a more North American accent. This will have no impact on the written tests, as each test incorporates different types of accent in the Listening section, but it could have an impact on the oral tests.

How can I prepare for IELTS and TOEFL?

Your Dream School offers you admission coaching in bachelor’s and master’s degrees, plus test preparation coaching from experts. Coaching is divided into several individual sessions with a mentor inspiring. The mentor helps you at every stage of the application process to the foreign universities of your choice.

Our mentors will be there to help you prepare for the l’IELTSandTOEFL and get the best score in these English exams.

For IELTS and TOEFL, there are 3 types of coachings :

· 10H PackIELTS/ TOEFL preparation course

– 20H IELTS/ TOEFL preparation pack

– 30H IELTS/ TOEFL preparation pack

Each l’ELTS and TOEFLincludes correction

a comprehensive official evaluation test before the first course and a number

hours of one-to-one distance learning support with a

expert teacher.