The complete guide to passing the writing part of IELTS

As you probably know, the IELTS English test is made up of 4 distinct parts: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, which we’ll be focusing on in this article.

Exercise 1 in the Writing section

The Writing section focuses primarily on the candidate’s written skills in the English language. The Writing section of the IELTS consists of Exercise 1 and Exercise 2.

In Exercise 1, candidates are asked to write a 150-word text based on specific instructions or a given document.


The candidate will have 20 minutes to write a 150-word text. The documents to be commented on are generally diagrams, graphs or tables. He/she will have to select and summarize the key elements of the document to demonstrate his/her understanding.

It will then be easier to comment on the data identified as important in the graph. In this part, it is essential to show the examiner that you have fully understood the content of the document, and that you are not simply commenting on data in a document without adding meaning.

Advice from YourDreamSchool

It’s vital to your success that you keep the exercise instructions in mind throughout the Writing section of the IELTS exam. It’s also important to remember that you only have 20 minutes for this exercise, and that only 150 words are required. So there’s no point embarking on a lengthy essay that could potentially take you over the time allotted and the word limit for this exercise.

Using a rough draft can make all the difference for this type of exercise. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, using a rough draft will enable you to clearly identify your ideas when analyzing your document. This will only improve your writing later on!

Most of the documents proposed for this section belong to the economic register. It is therefore important to use formal language when writing.

To get a good score on this exercise, we obviously advise you to practice beforehand. This will enable you to arrive calmly and with full knowledge of what to expect on the day of the exam.

By following the YourDreamSchool preparation program, you’ll have access to one of the most reputable online resource sites for preparing your exam.

It includes mock tests, sample exercises and videos covering the different topics and aspects of IELTS.

Exercise 2 in the Writing section

Exercise 2 of the IELTS Writing section also tests your ability to write in English, but this time on a given topic. Your essay for this exercise should be at least 250 words long, and you will have 40 minutes to complete it.


A topic will be clearly presented to you in a few lines, and you’ll then be asked to respond by expressing your understanding of its issues and giving your opinion, justifying it. Finally, you may be asked to identify possible solutions to the potential issues or problems contained in the subject.

YourDreamSchool tips

To make your IELTS Writing more convincing and personal, we advise you to draw on arguments, personal experience and knowledge wherever possible. What’s more, providing a structured rationale for your answers will make all the difference to your essay.

As with Exercise 1, we advise you to use a rough draft to get your ideas down on paper. However, writing 250 words in 40 minutes may seem rather difficult and will require you to manage your time optimally. Finally, we advise you not to exceed the 290-word limit in order to produce clear content, with complex structures, perfect spelling and relevant information and arguments. It’s important to focus on the quality of your writing, not its length.

YourDreamShool preparation to pass your IELTS test

To prepare for the IELTS exam with Your Dream School, and pass your test with flying colors, there are three packages to choose from:

10H IELTS preparation pack

20H IELTS preparation pack

– 30H IELTS preparation pack

Each IELTS includes the correction of a complete official evaluation test before the first lesson and a number of hours of personalized one-to-one distance tutoring with an expert teacher.

So don’t wait any longer and take advantage of a tailor-made IELTS preparation and coaching program with YourDreamSchool.