Getting help with your job applications: when is it worth getting help?

To give themselves the best chance of success, some students call on the services of coaches oradmission consultants to be guided, helped and supported through the various stages of the admission process abroad. This type of support can be particularly useful for students aiming for particularly selective courses, for which places are very limited!
Ensuring quality of service
Before calling in advisor or coach, make sure of the type and quality of service suggested. Is it a unlimited benefit ? Is it a pricing per document or per hour? What is the coach’s experience with the proposed course? Has he/she already helped other students with similar profiles to enter this type of course? With what results? Are there any testimonials from parents or students who have already used the coach’s services?
In addition, some organizations offering to help you study abroad are also university agents. This means that they can sometimes collect commissions from universities to connect or register candidates. It is therefore important to pay close attention to this point, as it can often influence their recommandation and encourage them to recommend certain curriculum or universities. If you use an agent, make sure you do so with full knowledge of the facts!
Choosing the right coach
On the other hand, it’s just as important that your coach or ambitious but realistic ! Admission to courses and most selective universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford… ) is never guaranteed – there is always a random element in admissions and it is therefore important to take your precautions in relation to coaches or advisors that will guarantee youadmission in specific courses or universities.
In the same way, it is important that you beware of a coach that would discourage you from applying to certain courses or universities under the pretext of being “too young”.too selective” even though it would seem to correspond to your academic profileand your English level.You need to be accompanied by a coach who can find the right balance between realism and ambition !
For the file constitution strictly speaking, the coach is there to advise you, guide you, help you to reformulate your ideas, but under no circumstances should it write or do the application forme for you! That’s why it’s important to work collaborative mannerwith him, to stay involved and fully commit yourself throughout the process. Even though your coach can play a decisive role in boosting your chances and ensuring that your application meets the expectations of the universities you’re targeting, it must above all reflect your own personality. personality and your work.
We give you our top tips for successful cover letters and youradmission interviews at foreign universities.