Admission advice for your Sciences Po Master’s degree applications through international admission

Who can apply to Sciences Po through the international procedure?

Sciences Po’s international procedure is aimed at candidates who have completed their undergraduate studies abroad and wish to apply for either a two-year Master’s program or a double degree program.

You can apply to Sciences Po either during your final year of your Bachelor’s degree or a few years after obtaining your first degree.

What is the admission process for Sciences Po through the international procedure?

Admission to Sciences Po through the international procedure is based solely on evaluation of the online application and without oral admission.

Particular care must therefore be taken with the application form insofar as it concerns the single element whose jury will take into account decide to admission of an international candidate to a Master’s program at Sciences Po.

Which Masters do you apply to at Sciences Po?

When a candidate applies for admission to Sciences Po through the international procedure, he or she will have the opportunity to apply to :

  • 1 programme de Master seulement ou
  • 1 programme de double diplôme  seulement ou
  • 1 programme de double diplôme ou à un master (hors Master en un an)

However, it will not be possible to apply for two double-diploma or two Masters programs.

In addition, each program (Master’s or double degree) will receive its own admission decision.

It is therefore important to ensure that the double degree and Master’s program selected by the candidate are in line with his/her profile and career objectives.

When should I apply for a Masters at Sciences Po?

For the start of the 2019 school year, the deadline for submitting applications is March 1, 2019

The specific deadline for the Master Joint Journalism and International Affairs is February 10, 2019.

Submit your application to Sciences Po as soon as possible

Although the deadline for the program you wish to apply for may seem a long way off, it is strongly recommended that you apply to Sciences Po as soon as possible.

Master’s admission at Sciences Po is based on a “rolling admission” system until March 1. This means that applications are evaluated and admission decisions made as and when applications arrive. There is therefore a risk that the maximum number of students admitted will be reached before the application deadline.

The only exception is the Master Journalisme et affaires internationales for which all applications are evaluated after the application deadline (March 1, 2019).

Pack overview

Are you considering a Master’s degree at Sciences Po?

Our team of graduates from top foreign universitiesto help you realize all your application forms for a Master’s degree at Sciences Po.

Notre soutien comprend les services suivants :

  • élaboration d’un rétro-planning de préparation et d’une stratégie d’admission
  • accompagnement dans la rédaction du personal statement ou des questions de motivation
  • optimisation du CV en anglais aussi bien sur le fond que sur la forme
  • aide à la rédaction et à la traduction des lettres de recommandation

Who is this pack for?

This pack is designed for students in their final year of study or with an undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s, Licence…) who wish to apply to Master’s programs at Sciences Po through international admissions and want comprehensive support at every stage of the admission process.

Individual sessions with an Inspiring Tutor

Each student is advised by a Mentor who plays the role of advisor, coach and tutor.

A bespoke method for each student

While our track record is consistent, our method is neither rigid, nor formulaic. Our coaching is tailored to the individual needs of each student.

Absolute flexibility in coaching

Our coaching can be done entirely remotely. This allows students to be in contact with the best tutors no matter where they live.

An international team dedicated to your success

Our team guides you at every step and answers all your questions on a daily basis.

What are the contents and objectives of the pack?

What is the price of the pack?


1 to 12 months depending on the project


Ask for a quote


Individual remote coaching

